Monday, September 19, 2011

Hungry for the City of Light!

In exactly one week, I'm going to be eating my way through Paris!!  I've been eating healthy and exercising in anticipation for my gluttonous vacation, so far I've lost a pound which I plan to gain back through endless carbs.

I've never been to France, but I know I need to learn a few phrases to get me by.  My pronunciation is going to be horrid - but at least I'm going to try.  Hopefully the French will give me a gold star for effort.

So what am I going to eat in Paris?  I'm definitely going to try lots of breads and pastries, especially Pain au Chocolat or Chocolate Croissant.  See, I'm trying already!

Then there are loads of Crêpes to enjoy, which I will do anytime I'm hungry while I wander the gorgeous city.

 Other dishes I'm planning on trying there include...

Bœuf Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy)

Beef bourguignon, which will be my go-to-dish when I have NO idea what a menu is talking about and the waitstaff doesn't understand my allergy to dairy.  I think its a fail safe way to eat in Paris.

My other safety meal if I can't figure out what's what on a menu is coq au vin.  Believe me when I say that I'll try my best to navigate a menu in French, but sometimes French is REALLY confusing!  I heard tales of people ordered a dish and it turned out to be horse!!! 

I have no problem with people eating unique animals, but I happen to love horses and could never eat what many consider a pet.  This goes for cats, dogs, some bird and frogs.  I had pet frogs growing up, so I'm not about to eat me some frogs legs.

And my favorite of all safe-meals will most likely be the steak frites, which I rely on almost everywhere I go.  You should have seen how many times I ate prego no prato (steak with french fries and a fried egg) in Portugal. YUM!

Doesn't that look amazing???  EEE I can't wait!!!

Adam and I are also excited for some delicious, fresh escargot.  Many might thing this is gross, but they're really tasty.  If you can eat a clam or mussel - then you can at least try one of these little guys.  They're similar in texture without the grit you get in mollusks.  I think they're tender and tasty.  They mostly taste of butter and garlic, but does that just tasty delicious!

These are hard to get fresh and cheap in NYC, so we're going to eat up when we can in Paris.

We're also going to try and learn something about wine.  I haven't the faintest clue when it comes to wine - which my lovely Danielle can attest for - but if I'm giong to learn anything, it might as well be in the wine capital of the world!

I also read that Paris has some amazing ethnic restaurants including North African, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian and Thai cuisine.  I'm down for some tasty ethnic food and have no problem deviating from the norm while I'm abroad. 

The one things I'm still scared to try are moules since I had food poisoning a few weeks ago from a French cafe in the Lower East Side.  Yuck!  It'll probably be a long time before I can eat a mussel again.  ::sigh::

Anyone have a recommendation on a must-try eatery in Paris?? 

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